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About Us

SEPAC is an acronym that stands for Special Education Parent Advisory Council.


Since 1986, Massachusetts special education law (Chapter 71B of the Massachusetts General Laws) requires all public school districts to maintain a Special Education Parent Advisory Council (SEPAC).

Modern Education Center

The Haverhill SEPAC is comprised of individuals involved in, or concerned with, the education of students with disabilities. Membership is open to parents and guardians of students with disabilities, teachers, administrators, individuals with disabilities, and interested members of the community. Haverhill SEPAC is an all-volunteer organization. 

As of 2018-2019,  the Haverhill Public School system had more than 1,700 individuals on individual education plans (IEPs) and 504  plans - and that number continues to grow every year. Whether your child is already receiving support from the Haverhill Public Schools or you are trying to determine if your child needs services, Haverhill SEPAC is an asset to parents and guardians navigating the complex world of special education. Sign up for our email updates.


Our public meetings are not ones where we ask for fundraising, financial support, etc., but instead are centered around informational presentations and webinars geared to educate and support our growing community.  

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